To Pay Online Water Charges Follow Below Steps
Step 1: Click on "Pay Water Charges" link.

Step 2: The window will open for zones selection.

Step 3: Select your zone.

Step 4: Select search criteria to get consumer payment details.

Step 5: Once you selected search criteria, you can search consumer details by giving inputs like WardNo and ConsumerNo. OR WardNo and TapNo  OR OwnerName OR SequenceNo.

Step 6: Enter required inputs then click on "Search" button.

Step 7: You will get few details of owner  below the search button.

Step 8: Click "View" link then you will get history of particular consumer.

Step 9:At the bottom there is button like "Pay Online" click this button then it will redirect to consumer details confirmation page.

Step 10: Verify consumer details and provide EmailId and Mobile No. then click "Continue" button.

Step 11:  It will redirect to banking gateway where you need to select payment modes and confirm your details with OTP then click "Submit" button.

Step 12:If Payment successfull  you will get email statement and mobile SMS that you given and you can take payment receipt by clicking "Print" button that appear below.